Learn how to build a winning portfolio that best showcases your strengths and talents.
A good portfolio will let us to get to know you better and increase your chances to securing your place via EAE.
Besides showing us your CCA transcripts, testimonials and awards, your portfolio should also expand on your work and experience with projects that are relevant to your dream course. Follow these simple tips below to learn more!
Start by listing down your awards and achievements - both in the classroom and beyond - to demonstrate your strengths and passion.
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Produced a short animation clip for your school or started your own online business? Showcase your leadership, CCA and other relevant experience.
Get a Letter of Recommendation from your teachers or employers and include them into your portfolio.
Show us how you've contributed to the community in your Values-In-Action (VIA) projects
Have a strong interest that's related to your dream course? Show us your passion and highlight your aptitude for it.
Learn how you can best present your portfolio to your interviewers using free online tools and resources
Start building your portfolio by gathering all your certificates and transcripts (such as your latest exam results and CCA transcripts if applicable)
Took part in a national competition? Include that in and all the other relevant awards that you've won to demonstrate your strengths
Besides academic accomplishments, you can also include other achievements in your CCAs, hobbies, or voluntary work
Show us your leadership, CCA, entrepreneurship and other experience that are related to your dream course! You can list down your leadership roles as being a Band Major in your school's marching band, or showcase your projects as the Head of Social Media for Student Council.
Started your online business on carousel or created your own mobile app? Be sure to showcase them on your portfolio to increase your chances and stand out from the crowd!
You can also include relevant photos, videos or demos of the work that you've done to demonstrate your strengths
Ask your teachers or employers for a letter of recommendation. Word of Mouth is often the best marketing and testament to your good work!
You can also include official testimonials from your CCA advisors to highlight your work ethic, attitude, passion and achievements
Tell us how you have contributed to the community through your VIA projects
Show us your work - your proposals, photos and videos - and demonstrate how your contributions made the difference!
Besides academic achievements and CCAs, you can also showcase your interests and hobbies that are related to your dream course
Showcase your participation in Applied Learning Modules (ApLMs). You can also share what you've learnt in any polytechnic's ApLMs to increase your chances.
If you're applying to arts or creative courses, you can show us some of the artwork that you've created using Photoshop, or the amazing photos that you've taken during your travels
If you're into food and culinary arts, you can also show us your very own healthy recipe or food preparation tips or your participation in neighbourhood cooking competitions and events
Besides making a list of all your achievements and experience, it is also important to share and present your portfolio visually in a systematic manner
You can save your Portfolio as Slides or PDF document in Google Drive and share it with your interviewers. Be sure to set it to Public so that they can see it!
You can also build a simple and professional portfolio using Wix or Weebly as a one-stop portal to upload and share your photos, videos, music and other evidence of work