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Official launch of the RP-PSA

05 Jan 2018

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    jan-18-official-launch-of-the-rp-psa-experiential-lab-2a (Original Size)
  • <img src="/images/default-source/about-us/news-events/2018/jan-18-official-launch-of-the-rp-psa-experiential-lab-2a.jpg?sfvrsn=1710ed67_16" class="img-responsive">
    Official launch of the RP-PSA Experiential Lab

RP and port operator PSA Corporation Limited (PSA) officially launched the RP-PSA Experiential Laboratory on 5 January 2018, part of a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2015.

The lab will provide an authentic simulated environment for classes to be conducted based on real-life port management and operations scenarios. It is equipped with a port simulation hardware and software system mimicking operations at actual PSA container terminals, allowing students to visualise how changes affect plans and their dependency effects.

RP-PSA Experiential Laboratory is part of PSA’s ongoing effort to cultivate an increased awareness of careers in the port. It will also serve as a career hub for RP students who are interested in exploring a career in port operations.