Through the RP PFP, I was given the opportunity to connect with individuals of different backgrounds and academic pursuits. This enabled me to gain new perspectives and better understand my interests. RP PFP also helped me with the transition from Secondary School learning pedagogy to RP’s problem-based learning pedagogy.
The PFP route gave me students like me in the NA stream to have a second chance to prove ourselves. In PFP@RP, it helped me transition to the life in polytechnic, with presentations and projects, and allowed students to build core friendships and connections between schools and diplomas.Being in RP gave me a chance to develop not just my knowledge, but my character with its pedagogy, the PBL approach. I was able to develop my leadership, communication , and independent learning skills. I was also able to explore careers and field of studies in RP.
PFP@RP’s curriculum has gone beyond learning theories in classrooms by training management skills and socio-emotional development in students. The dynamic life in RP allowed us to form strong bonds among schoolmates and the society.
I wanted to jump start my career as soon as I could, so PFP@RP was my #1 choice. I learnt to step out of my comfort zone, take initiative of opportunities, and hone my critical thinking skills to perform better at work.
I chose the PFP track after my N-Level and it paved the way to progress to poly, and subsequently to NUS Electrical Engineering. We can still get into a university without O-Level. And I’m not the only one who have made it to a local university!
PFP@RP helped me to overcome my fear of public speaking as an introvert by practising daily presentations before Year 1. Thanks to my lecturers, I became more comfortable with presentations and writing Reflection Journals daily. The PFP experience has equipped me with important communication skills so that I am ready to take on the rigours of the polytechnic studies.
PFP@RP’s curriculum has gone beyond learning theories in classrooms by training management skills and socio-emotional development in students. Life in RP is dynamic and engaging as we get to work on hands-on projects such as managing events, participating in industry visits, reflecting daily lessons, instilling a strong sense of empathy, and allowing us to form strong bonds amongst schoolmates and the society.
I wanted to jump start my career as soon as I could so PFP@RP was my #1 choice. I learned to step out of my comfort zone, take initiative of opportunities, and hone my critical thinking skills to perform better at work. One of my fondest PFP memories was the pushcart business I created with my peers as part of the PFP learning. The experience has taught me how to manage a business properly – from risk management, controlling finances, to doing business research and analyses.
RP is the reason why I have a seamless transition from studies to joining the workforce. From equipping me with future-ready skills to accumulating works for my portfolio, and offering multiple opportunities such as participation in events and competitions. All these experiences have helped me to gain an edge over my peers. I am thankful to RP because I was able to secure a full-time job after my internship and further my studies at NTU.
The PFP@RP student leader camp has enabled me to build strong friendships with my peers. It broadened my horizon and improved my leadership and communication skills, which was what made the camp my fondest memory of PFP. The introduction into RP’s daily grading system, Problem-based Learning, and additional foundational knowledge allowed me to gain a head start in my diploma studies and I was able to guide my classmates in Year 1.