
RP internship programme is designed to give our students a first-hand experience of the work environment and allows our students to apply knowledge, skill sets and techniques gained from the classroom. This programme is only made possible with strong support from industry partners like you.

Internship Schedule

The duration for RP internship programme is 20 weeks.

Please click here to view the internship duration and the available period of the participating diplomas.

Benefits to Employer

  • Gain access to a pool of prospective employees and talents.

  • Develop student's potential for possible full-time employment after graduation.

  • Receive skilled support for digitalisation, improvement or innovation projects .

Learning Outcomes

RP works closely with companies to facilitate meaningful learning outcomes for students during the internship programme. These include: 

  • acquire or deepen skills that are related to their area of study by assigning them to meaningful job operations

  • develop deeper and broader appreciation of the company’s core businesses, operations and challenges by providing them with opportunities for project work and/or job rotation in different roles or functions

  • enhance employability skills in areas such as problem-solving, communication and interpersonal skills, teamwork, professional work ethics through work interactions with different level of stakeholders

We encourage employers to submit an On-Job-Training (OJT) Blueprint to provide students with a more structured and impactful learning experience, aligning with SkillsFuture’s enhanced internship initiative.

Please include the OJT Blueprint alongside the Job Requirements when creating positions on our RP Internship Placement System. Internship requests with OJT Blueprint submitted would be prioritised for consideration. You may refer to the template and examples of the OJT Blueprint here.

You may contact the respective diploma representatives to develop the OJT Blueprint.

Internship Guidelines Apply Now