
Republic Poly Head Banner

Republic Polytechnic (RP) provides students with bursaries to help with education and/or living expenses. Apart from government-funded bursaries, RP, together with our philanthropic partners, offers a host of other bursaries.

The bursaries RP offers fall under two broad categories, namely:

  • Government Funded
  • Private Donors

General Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time Diploma students
  • Singapore Citizen
  • Not a recipient of a full scholarship or sponsorship*
  • For diploma students: Gross Monthly Household Per Capita Income (PCI) ≤ $2,500 or Gross Monthly Household Income (GHI) ≤ $10,000
  • For Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) students: PCI ≤ $750 or GHI ≤ $3,000

*Students who receive Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) are eligible to apply for government-funded bursary.

Income Criteria

Government Funded Bursary   Income RangeQuantum Per Academic Year 
Diploma Foundation Programme Bursary (DFPB)

Higher Education Community Bursary Tier 1 (HECB Tier 1) 

$0 ≤ PCI ≤ $750
$0 ≤ GHI ≤ $3,000
$1,300 (For PFP students awarded DFPB)

Higher Education Community Bursary Tier 2 (HECB Tier 2)$751 ≤ PCI ≤ $1,100
$3,001 ≤ GHI ≤ $4,400
Higher Education Bursary Tier 1 (HEB Tier 1)$1,101 ≤ PCI ≤ $1,875 or
$4,401 ≤ GHI ≤ $7,500
Higher Education Bursary Tier 2 (HEB Tier 2)$1,876 ≤ PCI ≤ $2,500
$7,501 ≤ GHI ≤ $10,000

Assessment of Eligibility for Bursary

  • The Household Means Eligibility System (HOMES) is used to assess an applicant's family income for bursary application. 
  • Consent is required by HOMES for the extraction of income and household information from various government sources (e.g. CPF, IRAS, ICA etc.) for income assessment. 
  • HOMES Ops officer will contact an applicant if there are changes in the applicant's household structure and/or employment of family members.


  • As a bursary is intended to cover the entire academic year, students who are awarded a bursary in Semester 1, are not eligible to apply for bursary again in Semester 2.
  • For private bursaries, there may be other eligibility criteria specified by the sponsor.


Advisory on Bursary Application for Newly Enrolled Students (Full-Time Diploma and PFP Students) (Important)

To access Financial Assistance, Scholarship System (FAST) for bursary application, new students are required to complete Step 1 to Step 3. 

Complete Step 4 for laptop configuration for access to RP intranet, RP LEO and RP SA.

Step 1: Download SNApp.
Step 2: Acknowledge IT Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Students are required to do this step to activate their accounts.
Step 3: Reset Password.
Step 4: Laptop Configuration.

For Guide on Onboarding and Self-Configuration (Guide A): click here

  • Perform the configuration when you receive an email from Help-IT@rp.edu.sg with the following subject "Preparation of laptop use in RP".
  • For IT-related queries, email Help-IT@rp.edu.sg or call 66971500 (Daily: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm).

Government Funded Bursary


Application Procedure for Full-Time Diploma Students
(AY2025 Bursary Application)

Students are encouraged to apply for bursary during the application exercise in Semester 1 (Apr), as eligible students may be invited to apply for other assistance which are offered later in the academic year.

Key Dates to Note   
Semester Bursary Application PeriodEstimated Outcome Release Period
1*1 Apr 2025 - 11 May 2025Jun 2025 - Jul 2025  
21 Oct 2025 - 2 Nov 2025
Dec 2025 - Jan 2026

*As a bursary is intended to cover the entire academic year, students who are awarded a bursary in Semester 1, are not eligible to apply for bursary again in Semester 2.

Mode of Application

Students are to submit their bursary application and consent online (Refer to key application steps below).

Applications submitted via hardcopy or email will not be accepted. 

Key Application Steps to Note   
Step 1:Log in to FAST with Student ID and password (Recommended browser: Chrome).   
Step 2:Submit a bursary application via FAST.*

*When an applicant reviews details in the application form, if consent is not available for one or more family members, the applicant is to proceed with the submission of application. 

Consent submission is to be done after the submission of application.    

If consent is available for every person listed in the application (including applicant), the applicant is not required to proceed to Step 3 and can proceed to submit the bursary application.

Unless prompted by the system, an applicant is not required to submit supporting documents.
Step 3:       

Start Step 3 only after submitting a bursary application as per Step 2.

Consent provider to log in to FAST Consent Portal with own Singpass account.

- For a person aged 21 years old and above: He/she is to log in with his/her own Singpass account to provide personal consent. 

- For a person under 21 years old: A parent must log in with his/her own Singpass account to provide on-behalf consent. 

- If the parents of a person under 21 years old are divorced: The authorised consent provider for the minor is the parent with care and control.

Without the submission of all consent, an applicant's application cannot be processed and may be rejected.

Step 4:Upon the submission of bursary application and all consent, RP staff will review the application. 

An applicant is to remain contactable as RP staff or HOMES Ops officer may need to seek clarification.

FAST User Guide   
Link to Guide:   Click here to view and download PDF document.   


  • If required to provide supporting documents, please ensure that all pages are in full view (not truncated) and details of documents are clear and legible.
  • Please remain contactable via RP email or mobile phone number after submission.
  • As the assessment of an applicant's eligibility for financial assistance draws on data from government sources, an RP bursary staff or HOMES Ops officer may contact you if further clarification is required.


  • Eligible students can only be awarded a bursary once in an academic year, either in Semester 1 (preferred) or Semester 2. 
  • Assessment of eligibility for bursary is based on the family's financial situation at the point of application.
  • The bursary (Higher Education Community Bursary and Higher Education Bursary) may be used to offset outstanding fees due to RP. Any excess will be credited to the bank account registered with RP.
  • Student will be required to refund the full or partial bursary quantum if he/she is dismissed, or voluntarily withdraws or defers from his/her course of study or is in receipt of a full scholarship/bursary that covers tuition fees and provides an annual or monthly living allowance.
  • From AY2024, students who graduate earlier after fulfilling their graduation requirements (i.e. studied only for one semester in the AY), will be eligible to receive 50% of the annual bursary quantum. 
  • Students whose household income has worsen due to unforeseen circumstances can contact the Office of Student Support to appeal for a reassessment of government bursary.

Diploma Foundation Programme Bursary

RP’s Diploma Foundation Programme Bursary is awarded to Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) students who are Singapore Citizens.

Bursary recipients will receive a one-time cash award of $1,300 for the whole duration of PFP.

For more information about RP's PFP, such as fees and scholarships, visit our Diploma Foundation Programme Webpage

Application Procedure for PFP Students
(AY2025 Bursary Application)

Students are encouraged to apply for bursary during mass application exercise in Semester 1 (Apr), as eligible students may be invited to apply for other assistance which are offered later in the academic year.

 Key Dates to Note  
SemesterBursary Application PeriodEstimated Outcome Release Period
1*1 Apr 2025 - 11 May 2025Jun 2025 - Jul 2025  
21 Oct 2025 - 2 Nov 2025Dec 2025 - Jan 2026

*As a bursary is intended to cover the entire academic year, students who are awarded a bursary in Semester 1, are not eligible to apply for bursary again in Semester 2.

Mode of Application

Students are to submit their bursary application and consent online (Refer to key application steps below).

Applications submitted via hardcopy or email will not be accepted. 

Key Application Steps to Note   
Step 1:Log in to FAST with Student ID and password (Recommended browser: Chrome).
Step 2:       Submit a bursary application via FAST.*

*When an applicant reviews details in the application form, if consent is not available for one or more family members, the applicant is to proceed with the submission of application.

Consent submission is to be done after the submission of application.

If consent is available for every person listed in the application (including applicant), the applicant is not required to proceed to Step 3 and can proceed to submit the bursary application.

Unless prompted by the system, an applicant is not required to submit supporting documents.   
Step 3:Start Step 3 only after submitting a bursary application as per Step 2.

Consent provider to log in to FAST Consent Portal with own Singpass account.

For a person aged 21 years old and above: He/she is to log in with his/her own Singpass account to provide personal consent.

For a person under 21 years old: A parent must log in with his/her own Singpass account to provide on-behalf consent.

If the parents of a person under 21 years old are divorced: The authorised consent provider for the minor is the parent with care and control.

Without the submission of all consent, an applicant's application cannot be processed and may be rejected.   
Step 4:Upon the submission of bursary application and all consent, RP staff will review the application.

An applicant is to remain contactable as RP staff or HOMES Ops officer may need to seek clarification. 

FAST User Guide 
Link to Guide:   Click here to view and download PDF document.   


  • If required to provide supporting documents, please ensure that all pages are in full view (not truncated) and details of documents are clear and legible.
  • Please remain contactable via RP email or mobile phone number after submission.
  • As the assessment of an applicant's eligibility for financial assistance draws on data from government sources, an RP bursary staff or HOMES Operations (Ops) officer will contact you if further clarification is required.


  • Eligible students can only be awarded a bursary once in an academic year, either in Semester 1 (preferred) or Semester 2. 
  • Assessment of eligibility for bursary is based on the family's financial situation at the point of application.
  • The bursary may be used to offset outstanding fees due to RP. Any excess will be credited to the bank account registered with RP.
  • Student will be required to refund the full or partial bursary quantum if he/she is dismissed, or voluntarily withdraws or defers from his/her course of study or is in receipt of a full scholarship/bursary that covers tuition fees and provides an annual or monthly living allowance.
  • From AY2024, students who graduate earlier after fulfilling their graduation requirements (i.e. studied only for one semester in the AY), will be eligible to receive 50% of the annual bursary quantum.  
  • Students whose household income has worsen due to unforeseen circumstances can contact the Office of Student Support to appeal for a reassessment of government bursary.

Private Bursaries

With generous donations from industry partners, charitable organisations and philanthropists, RP is able to help needy students in the form of bursaries. Administered by RP directly, these bursaries are valued from $600 to $3,500 per academic year.

General Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for these bursaries, student must meet the following criteria:

  • Singapore Citizen
  • Good Attendance
  • PCI≤$1,100 or GHI≤$4,400
  • Not in receipt of another tuition fee sponsorship or bursary (except government bursary) in the same academic year


  • Application for Private Bursaries is by invitation only.
  • The eligibility criteria for selected private bursaries might differ from the general eligibility criteria as stated.
  • Shortlisted students may be invited to meet the Selection Panel for an interview.