PFP Students

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Enrolment Guide for Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) students

For more details, please refer to our Step-by-Step Enrolment Guide.

Step 1: Accept course

Log in to the Online Enrolment System via Singpass if you have a Singpass account. Otherwise, log in with the following information:

  • Student ID (Refer to your enrolment letter sent to your registered email address)
  • NRIC/FIN/Passport/UIN
  • Date of Birth (DD//MM/YYYY)

Click on Course Acceptance to accept your diploma course.

Step 2: Confirm personal particulars and submit declaration

Click on Confirm Personal Particulars and enter the following information in Sections 1 - 8.

  • Section 1: Personal data/ Household details
  • Section 2: Contact Information
  • Section 3: Relations
  • Section 4: Emergency Contact
  • Section 5: Educational Details
  • Section 6: CCA Details
  • Section 7: Other Information
  • Section 8: Declaration
Step 3: Compulsory submissions 

Please submit all compulsory documents. Students who fail to submit all compulsory enrolment documents will be liable for deregistration from RP. Click here for a step-by-step instructions to resize your documents for upload.

a) Parent/Guardian consent form
  • Provide consent through one of the following modes: (Applicable only to students who are below 21 years old as of 1 January of your course commencement year)

1) Signing via Singpass
  • Parent or guardian can provide their consent by logging into Singpass.

2) Print, Sign and Upload Form (without Singpass)
  • Download parent/guardian consent form from the online enrolment system
  • Parent or guardian to print and complete form
  • Upload completed form under Step 3: Submit Compulsory Documents
b) NRIC/Identification Document
  • Upload front and back of your Identification Document (ID) or PDF version of your Digital ID (This step is not required if you logged in via SingPass).
  • International Students are required to upload the front and back of your ICA Student's Pass or PDF version of your Digital Student's Pass.
c) Upload photograph
  • Your photograph must be taken in full colour with white background.
    For the detailed photo guidelines, please click here.
  • Late submission of your photograph will
    • Delay in processing your e-Student Card in RP SNApp.
    • Delay RP in sending your information to TransitLink which is required for the application of your Diploma Student Concession Card*.

*If you are travelling by public transport, you shall apply for the Diploma Student Concession Card through TransitLink. We will notify you via SMS to proceed with the application once your particulars have been submitted to TransitLink. Click here to find out more about the cards. 

Step 4: Go for medical examination or colour vision test

Please submit all the compulsory documents listed below, if applicable. Students who fail to submit all compulsory enrolment documents will be liable for deregistration from RP.

  • Refer to here to check if your course requires additional medical check-up or colour vision test. 
  • National Service documents (if applicable)
  • Medical supporting documents (if you have declared medical conditions under Step 2 of the online enrolment)
  • Refer to the following tables on the follow-ups needed


1) Medical report form (if applicable)
  • Download your RP medical report form from the online enrolment system.
  • Bring the form to your medical check-up and have your doctor endorse the form.
  • Upload the softcopy of the endorsed medical report form under  Step 4: Download/Upload your completed forms.
2) Colour vision test form (if applicable)
  • Download your colour vision form from the online enrolment system.
  • Bring the form to your colour vision test and have your doctor/optometrist endorse the form.
  • Upload the softcopy of the endorsed colour vision test form under  Step 4: Download/Upload your completed forms.
Step 5: Pay PFP course fee

Make payment for the PFP course fees before semester starts. Please refer to the fee advice in your enrolment email for the details and payment due date. 

Method of payment:


Payment to be made online using major credit and debit cards (VISA and MasterCard) and PayNow. Please pay via this link - Select “Other” under payment type and indicate “<PFP Fee>” under Remarks.

Financial Scheme available for PFP students

Post Secondary Education Account Scheme (administered by MOE)
This scheme allows students to use PSEA Funds to pay for PFP course fees. To apply, please submit the PSEA Standing Order application online. Applicants are to check on the available funds in PSEA Account (not Edusave Account) through 6260 0777 before submission. For Account Holder who is 21 years old and above, student has to log in using student’s Singpass. For Account holder who is below 21 years old, a parent/legal guardian is required to submit the application on behalf of the account holder via his/her Singpass. If there is insufficient amount in PSEA account, please pay via E-payment.

Additional Note: Conditions for International Students
  • Appoint a local emergency contact if you do not have a parent or guardian who resides in Singapore.
  • You must make payment for your PFP Fees, before the commencement of your course.
  • Receive your digital Student’s Pass issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA).
  • Go for additional medical check-up or colour vision test if you are offered any of the course listed in here.
  • If any of the above conditions are not met, RP reserves the right to
    • Rescind the course offer
    • Void and administratively withdraw your enrolment
    • Disallow you to continue/complete your enrolment