Liquid fuels derived from biogas show promise as a renewable and clean energy. However, transforming biogas into a high-value liquid fuel equivalent to diesel or gasoline typically involes a costly two-step process. RP has developed novel enhanced capsule catalysts with unique core-shell structures, enabling the one-step production of high-valueliquid fuels from biogas using only one reactor. These capsule catalysts directly convert syngas into liquid fuels, which have improved petrol-like qualities.
The novel enhanced capsule catalysts have:
Dual functionalities that bring about gas-to-liquid reactions. They also enable catalytic cracking and isomerization, thus achieving a one-step process.
Excellent durability and high surface area, enabling a higher yield of liquid fuel.
A robust mesoporous framework optimised for the conversion rate of reaction.
High selectivity for shorter-chain or light hydrocarbon (C5-C10) and a high CO conversion, allowing biogas to be converted more efficiently into high-value liquid fuels within a shorter period.
Companies looking for renewable and clean energy through the gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology to diversify their energy sources.
Poultry farms
Food waste treatment plants
Wastewater treatment industries
Liquid fuels can be used as diesel or gasoline substitutes without any modification to engines and existing refuelling facilities
Highly scalable
Reduce gas-to-liquid production costs as only one reactor is required
More efficient with a single-step process conversion to liquid fuel
The technology is available for licensing and deployment.
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