Order verification in the warehouse usually requires laborious manual checks and transportation. This technology presents a highly precise weighing platform that can be integrated into the existing robotic platforms to allow orders to be received and verified with the warehouse management system (WMS) instantaneously. User can refer to the sequential list of items from the screen and pick the items accordingly from the racks and shelves in the warehouse.
The technology greatly complements the capabilities of existing Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs).
The high precision weighing platform comprises of a powerful build in single board computer with wireless connectivity and a large seven-inch touchscreen display for easy user interface.
Software modules can be installed to interface with existing WMS.
The weighing platform has an accuracy of +/-12g.
The measurements taken from the weighing platform facilitates instantaneous verification in the pick order list.
Distribution centers with fast-moving and complex warehouses operations where the pickers are stationed along racks and AGVs are programmed to move to them automatically.
Enables communication with WMS
Quickens the picking process
Eliminate pick errors
This technology is available for licensing and technology transfer.
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