RP Lecturers Share Tips to Improve Mental and Physical Health During the Pandemic

13 Jul 2021

  • news-rp-lecturers
    Teresa Shiu (left), Senior Lecturer, Diploma in Health Management & Promotion. Jeremy Zhan (right), Lecturer, Diploma in Health Management & Promotion

RP Lecturers, Teresa Shiu and Jeremy Chan, from the School of Sports, Health and Leisure were featured in Lianhe Zaobao to share their insights on managing our mental health during this Covid-19 pandemic

Many people have experienced screen fatigue due to work-from-home arrangements and the blurring of professional and personal time during the pandemic. Some have also sensed a loss of control, feeling more irritable and experienced immense stress during this time.  

Teresa points out that moving our bodies regularly through some form of physical activity has a positive impact on our mental health. She also shared that it is important that we take a break from our work and communication devices when resting, in order to rest our minds. 

Jeremy added that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a big impact on people’s mental well-being in general. In addition, those who have existing mental health conditions are more likely to develop further problems, if help is not sought promptly. He shared five techniques that anyone can apply to reduce stress and anxiety during these trying times. These include: Staying away from our devices for at least 2 hours every day, keeping physically healthy by eating balanced meals, getting regular exercise and sufficient sleep, engaging in a new hobby or interest, interacting with our family and friends and sharing our feelings, and staying in contact with social or religious organisations.

Finally, Teresa also points out that we should learn to be kind to ourselves. She advocates adjusting our expectations of ourselves and others by acknowledging that due to the pandemic, we may not be able to complete tasks in the same manner or speed as before the pandemic. She says, “Be aware of the little achievements you make each day. For example, if you managed to exercise for an extra ten minutes, give yourself a pat on the back.”  

Read the original article here.