Work-Study Certificate Leading to a Diploma in Sports Wellness and Services


About the Course

Singapore is increasingly host to mega sports events, with international sports corporations setting up bases here, capitalising on the city’s status as a regional sports hub. Key industry players are using Singapore as a regional base, leveraging on its rich development opportunities and perfect position to be a key player in Asia’s emerging sports industry.

This course provides an integrative approach to preparing participants for a career in multi-faceted and cross-disciplinary roles in the fast evolving sports industry. It synergises expertise in sports sciences, sports management, health management & promotion in a bid to meet changing needs of savvy customers for integrated services.

Under the Work-Study Certificate programme, you may enjoy additional benefits such as sign-on incentive with full-time employment, assigned company mentor, well-structured training, and career advancement opportunities.

Upon completion, you will have the option to complete two additional Modular Certificates (MCs) for the award of a Diploma in Sports Wellness & Services.

What is so unique about this programme?

This course provides an integrative approach to preparing participants for a career in multi-faceted and cross-disciplinary roles in the fast evolving sports industry. It synergises expertise in sports sciences, sports management, health management, and promotion in a bid to meet the changing needs of savvy customers for integrated services; allowing you to gain valuable insights that will benefit your career in the Sports Wellness industry.

How often do I need to attend the course?

Lessons will be held at RP ACE @ Woodlands.

Day of Lesson Duration
Either Tuesday or Thursday 9:00am – 6:00pm

Note: Some lessons will be conducted via online learning.

What will I get out of this

Work-Study Certificate Leading to a Diploma in Sports Wellness & Services is a great programme for those who would like to further their studies and get a head start in their careers. The programme gives me relevant working experience in future job prospects. I feel that this is a bonus point on top of a diploma certificate. Also, having colleagues who are supportive and knowledgeable in the relevant industry makes work more meaningful. 
Ms Fi’la Saeman
Work-Study Certificate Leading to a Diploma in Sports Wellness and Services (Intake 2)

This Work-Study Certificate will take 18 months to complete .

Additional 12 months (2 MCs) to be completed on personal time for the award of a Diploma.

Modular Certificates

Exercise Science

Modules (60 hours each)

  1. Exercise Prescription and Assessment
  2. Injury Prevention and Exercise Rehabilitation
  3. Exercise Psychology

Sports Business Operations

Modules (60 hours each)

  1. Financial Management
  2. Sports Law and Risk Management
  3. Sports Marketing

Health Promotion

Modules (60 hours each)

  1. Active Ageing
  2. Health Promotion and Communication
  3. Weight Management

Outdoor Program Management (additional)

Modules (60 hours each)

  1. Facilitating Outdoor Programs
  2. Facilitating Environmental Programs
  3. Safety and Operations Management in Outdoor Programs

Managing Sports Organisations (additional)

Modules (60 hours each)

  1. Sports Administration
  2. Facilities and Events Management
  3. Sports Management

Module Synopses

1. Modular Certificate in Exercise Science 

Exercise Prescription and Assessment

By the end of the course of study, students would be able to apply the theory and practical knowledge in exercise prescription and assessment; such as body composition, muscular, and cardiovascular fitness assessments in the sporting and fitness scenes. Students should also be able to implement appropriate and effective strength, power, and/or cardiovascular programs to achieve the goals of athletes/clients. Students should also be able to apply knowledge, skills, and attitude as the role of a trainer and/or strength and conditioning coach at the entry-level.

Injury Prevention and Exercise Rehabilitation

The purpose of this module is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the nature of injuries in sport and in the workplace, including: causal factors, assessment, treatment, management and rehabilitation. This module will enable the student to develop injury prevention measures. The module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to recognise potential causes of injury and ability to devise and implement strategies to reduce risk of injury. Students will also be taught how to facilitate the recovery of function, return to physical activity or high performance using evidence-based therapeutic and exercise interventions.

Exercise Psychology

This module examines the psychological precursors and benefits of exercise as well as the factors involved in exercise adoption and adherence. It will cover the foundations of behaviour together with psychological theories and knowledge derived from biological, social, behaviourism, and cognitive approaches. The module encourages critical awareness of the role of psychological theory and methodology in maintaining healthy functioning. It has major goal positive health outcomes encouraging the adoption of healthy exercise behaviours or using exercise for health outcomes, including psychological functioning.

2. Modular Certificate in Sports Business Operations 

Financial Management

Financial statements assist organisations in decision making. They provide managers with information about the allocation and use of funds, the source and type of revenues and to what extent resources were sufficient to meet expenditures. They also provide a snapshot of how much money was spent and for what purposes, and how cash needs were met. This module will equip participants with the necessary skills to analyse and interpret financial information of organisations. Participants will learn to assess corporate financial position, operational performance, and to use key financial information to make planning, controlling and monitoring decisions.

Sports Law and Risk Management

This module introduces the relevant legal principles applicable to the sports and wellness w, Intellectual Property right and other relevant laws. Students will be equipped with the skills to analysis different situations and implement strategies to reduce risk to their organisations.

Sports Marketing

The sports industry is becoming increasingly competitive and dynamic, with companies utilising sports as part of their marketing strategy. Sports marketing often involve the process of planning, implementing and controlling efforts to meet organisational goals and satisfy consumer needs. It is a dynamic discipline that inspires creativity in its practitioners. The sports marketing function has the power to drive the company’s vision, mission and strategic planning. This module introduces students to the basic theories and applications of sports marketing concepts and techniques for developing effective marketing strategies in the sports industry. Topics covered includes the sports marketing framework and theories, the sports market, the sports consumer, the sports product, sponsorship, marketing communication, distribution channels and public relations amongst others.

3. Modular Certificate in Health Promotion 

Active Ageing

This module focuses attention on the health issues faced by the ageing population. It aims to equip students with the knowledge to be able to plan and deliver programmes designed to take a proactive approach to preventative health and active ageing. Students will study nutrition for the elderly, functional lifestyles, chronic disease care, osteoporosis and falls safety, diabetes, preventative health screening, and exercise prescription. They will also learn about the methods of increasing health literacy in the ageing population.

Health Promotion & Communication

This module introduces students to the fundamentals of Health Promotion and theories underpinning health promotion programme development for population groups throughout the life course. The first part introduces the students to the fundamental concepts, principles and strategies related to health promotion. The second part aims to help build fundamentals skills of effective communication in the health promotion context. The third part introduces the students to the concepts of health programme planning, implementation and evaluation. The module wraps up with discussing professionalism and ethical practices in the health promotion sector.

Weight Management

In this module, students will examine the contemporary issues that confront practitioners and professional institutions dealing with overweight and obesity. The module creates a greater awareness of the issues and helps these future practitioners create strategies to address them. The topics covered include nutrition, childhood obesity, obesity in adulthood, psychopathology, health concerns related to obesity, and exercise prescription.

4. Modular Certificate in Outdoor Program Management 

Facilitating Outdoor Programs

This module introduces skills, concepts and principles of communication, teaching and learning in outdoor education. Students apply skills and knowledge relating to the planning and implementation of outdoor education programme such as appropriate challenges, group development, risk assessment and management, programme design, and group management. They also demonstrate instructional techniques, facilitation processes and strategies as well as creative reviewing methods.

This module seeks to introduce students with a holistic understanding of key environmental processes and the socio-economic, political and ethical issues related to contemporary concerns and their management. Students apply skills and knowledge related to knowing, interpreting and appreciating the environmental elements of Singapore, specifically the ecological, cultural and historical landscapes. 

Facilitating Environmental Programs

This module seeks to introduce students with a holistic understanding of key environmental processes and the socio-economic, political and ethical issues related to contemporary concerns and their management. Students apply skills and knowledge related to knowing, interpreting and appreciating the environmental elements of Singapore, specifically the ecological, cultural and historical landscapes.

Safety and Operations and Management in Outdoor Programs

This module seeks to introduce the administration, operations and management of adventure learning centres. Students apply topics such as rope course building standards, rope course inspection and maintenance of adventure facilities, incident management, resource planning, certification and accreditation, as well as legal liabilities.

5. Modular Certificate in Managing Sports Organisations 

Sports Administration

This module seeks to address issues pertaining to the administration of National Sports Associations (NSAs) established to promote and develop sports in Singapore. Students will develop a basic understanding of managing a National Sports Association in Singapore with emphasis on the vision to create Team Singapore. Topics will include the constitution and policies governing NSAs, the basic concepts of NSA administration management of elite athletes, foreign sports talents, coaches and volunteers and preparation for major games.

Facilities and Events Management

Facility and event managers are accountable for the success of sporting ventures and events. Modern-day sport venues are vastly different in their appearance and functionality compared with the previous generation of facilities. Not only is the market for sport and entertainment events expanding and becoming more diversified but the needs of old and new customers have changed as well, leading to the changing functionality of new venues. The sport or entertainment event is inextricably linked to the place and location in which it is being organised and hosted. High-quality events require high-quality facilities. The type of event brings with it an endless list of requirements, the fulfilment of which determines the eventual success or failure of the event. The module offers a systematic guide to the management issues and practical problems that sports managers must address to ensure success.

Sports Management

This module exposes students to basic disciplinary knowledge in human resource management and marketing as deemed relevant to the management of sports and recreation clubs/programmes/events. Students will gain business management knowledge and skills to contextualise and relate acquired knowledge to current challenges in the Singapore sports arena. In addition, students are provided an overview of the different career opportunities in the sports industry.

Please click here to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).

WSP Eligibility

Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are: 

  • within three years of graduation from ITE or the Operational Ready Date (ORD) for full-time National Servicemen, or
  • within five years of graduation from ITE, and if their employer is a participating company. 

Course Entry Requirement

Applicants should possess a relevant NITEC (min. GPA: 2.0) or Higher NITEC Certificates from the feeder programmes as listed here.

Admission will be reviewed and approved by the polytechnic on a case-by-case basis. 

Interested applicants may submit your interest via to be contacted for job matching opportunity before applying for the course.

Please click here to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).
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Last updated on 25 Oct 2024

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