GoML (Machine Learning)

Making data-driven decisions is the difference between keeping up with the competition or falling further behind. Machine Learning can be the key to unlocking the value of corporate and customer data and enacting decisions that keep a company ahead of the competition. This technology can be used for predictive maintenance, sales forecasting, supply optimization, personalised recommendation and many more.

Laptops will be provided for the duration of the course.

This applied learning workshop comprises two learning phases:

  • Phase 1 (2 days) prepares participants with the foundational skills and knowledge required to get started with machine learning development. In this phase, we explain the various machine learning techniques, share use cases, prepare machine learning-ready data, perform modelling and prediction, followed by hands-on lab exercises.

  • Phase 2 (2 days) focuses on project development facilitation. Participants will form project groups of 1 to 4 participants with a real project in-hand. And a mentor will be assigned to facilitate the engagement of the real project amongst project participants.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Learn the building blocks of Machine Learning solution
  • Gather and prepare data for Machine Learning
  • Train, evaluate and deploy the model
  • Apply Machine Learning on a real use-case or other scenarios in the project (Phase 2).

Who should attend?

Managers, officers and professionals involved in driving innovation and decision making in their organizations

Entry Requirement

Participants should have a good knowledge in Python programming


Participants will be awarded a certificate of completion upon meeting the 75% course attendance requirement.

For courses with assessment component, participants will be awarded the certification of completion upon passing the assessment. Otherwise, a certification of attendance will be issued instead upon meeting the 75% course attendance requirement.

Please click on the "Register" button to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).
Please click on the "Register" button to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).
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Last updated on 25 Jun 2024

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