SBZ Club
Worried about participating in CCAs at the expense of your studies?
Fret not! The SBZ Club offers several fun diploma-related Interest Groups (IGs) that allow you to participate in vibrant RP campus life and hone your business and communication skills at the same time:
- Human Capital IG (HCIG): Prime yourself for the marketplace. Broaden and sharpen your professional skills with HCIG.
- Investment & Finance IG (IFIG): Improve your financial literacy and pick up sound investment tips and other important life skills.
- Market Insights IG (MI2G): Showcase your marketing and research chops and harness skills to uncover and communicate business insights.
- RP-Institute of Public Relations of Singapore IG (RP-IPRS IG): Raise awareness of the PR Industry and forge closer relationships between PR media practitioners and members.
- Write IG: Dip your toe into journalism and publishing and write for The Republican Post!
- Youth Entrepreneurship & Co-op IG (YEC IG): Mix business with passion and further a cause close to your heart with YEC IG.