Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Laboratory Science)


About the Course

The Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Laboratory Science) is a multi-campus experience where it combines the strengths of five polytechnics’ curricula and aims to equip participants with the knowledge and technical skills to support the needs of the biomedical science industry, particularly in medical laboratory science.  This course is relevant for individuals who are keen to pursue a career in diagnostic clinical laboratories or other related fields in biomedical research and technology.

Upon completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding in the concepts and fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology, cell and molecular biology, and the disorders and diseases affecting the human body
  • Apply practical knowledge for working proficiently in diagnostic laboratories, including preparation of chemical reagents, collection, safe handling, processing, and analysis of biological specimens
  • Apply the test principles and methodologies used in laboratory investigations to detect diseases and disorders, and assess and troubleshoot common errors in laboratory investigations
  • Ensure and maintain excellence in quality and standards in the medical laboratory science industry

Target Audience:

Working adults currently employed within the relevant biomedical science sector who wish to upgrade their skills and qualifications, and those who are keen to join the relevant biomedical science industry.  

How often do I need to attend the course?

Lessons are conducted via Home-Based Learning (HBL), eLearning and onsite for practical or project lessons. The course will commence in April.

Days of Lessons


3 to 4 week days at respective polytechnics that offer the Modular Certificate*

6:00 pm - 9:30 pm or 
6.30 pm - 9:30 pm

(where necessary for lessons or assessments)*

9:00 am – 1:00 pm or
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

  *Timetable is subjected to change by the respective polytechnic in this joint-polytechnic course


The Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Laboratory Science) comprises of five Modular Certificates (MCs) that focuses on a specific area of expertise that will enable participants to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills.  Each MC is conducted by a different polytechnic and comprises of three to four modules. 

Participants will be awarded the Modular Certificate (MC) upon successful completion of each certificate programme. The Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Laboratory Science) will be issued upon meeting 50% of attendance requirement and passing all coursework and assessment.

Certification (180hours)ModulesConducted by
Histotechnology and Cytotechnology
  1. Human Body Systems in Health and Disease (45 hours)
  2. Laboratory Management and Operations (45 hours)
  3. Principles of Histotechnology & Cytotechnology (90 hours)
Republic Polytechnic (RP)
Diagnostic Clinical Chemistry
  1. Biochemistry (60 hours)
  2. Analytical Biochemistry for Clinical Sciences (45 hours)
  3. Clinical Chemistry and Instrumentation (75 hours)
Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)
Medical Microbiology
  1. Basic Microbiology (30 hours)
  2. Microbiology Technology (45 hours)
  3. Clinical Microbiology (60 hours)
  4. Biosafety (45 hours)
Temasek Polytechnic (TP)
Molecular Diagnostics
  1. Molecular Bioscience (60 hours)
  2. Molecular Techniques (60 hours)
  3. Clinical Applications of Molecular Testing (60 hours)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP)
Haematology and Immuno-haematology
  1. Immunology (60 hours)
  2. Blood Banking (60 hours)
  3. Haematology (60 hours)
Singapore Polytechnic (SP)

Module Synopses 

1. Modular Certificate in Histotechnology and Cytotechnology (180 hours)
This certificate aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to process human body specimens for microscopic examination and diagnosis in Histopathology and Cytology laboratories.  Participants will learn about the normal structure and functions of the various body systems.  They will also learn about the general concepts underlying disease mechanisms, common conditions affecting the various body systems, contemporary diagnostic methods available to detect diseases and the quality management systems recommended for effective operation of diagnostic laboratories.

Human Body Systems in Health and Disease (45 hours)

This module will focus on the gross and micro-anatomy as well as physiology of human tissues and organ systems in health and disease. Concepts of disease such as incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, complications and relevant terminologies pertaining to the various organ systems will be covered.

Laboratory Management and Operations (45 hours)

This module aims to cover quality and safety management systems recommended for effective operation and performance of diagnostic pathology laboratories. 

Principles of Histotechnology & Cytotechnology (90 hours)

This module aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills required for routine and specialized techniques in Histotechnology and Cytotechnology. Lessons would focus on processing of surgical and biopsy specimens, liquid-based specimens, and aspirated specimens for pathological diagnosis. Principles of the various techniques, instrumentation, SOPs for specimen collection, processing, examination reporting, and storage will be covered.


2. Modular Certificate in Diagnostic Clinical Chemistry (180 hours)
This certificate aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to assess and analyse biochemical analytes from various body fluids in a clinical chemistry laboratory. The participants will first relate the fundamentals of biochemistry to basic techniques for analysing the biomolecules. After which, the participants will apply the basic knowledge and skills learned to assess the underlying biochemical disturbances in various diseases from altered biochemical analytes.

Biochemistry (60 hours)

The students will acquire the knowledge of the core biochemical components and metabolic processes of living things and skills for performing biochemical assays. The names, structures and functions of biomolecules are discussed in relation to one another.  The role of enzyme catalysis in regulating biochemical reactions will be covered.  Major metabolic pathways such as glycolysis and citric acid cycle will be examined in the role of generating biological energy.  Practical skills, such as measurement of solutions and chemicals, performing colorimetric assays, and analysis of experimental data will be taught.

Analytical Biochemistry for Clinical Sciences (45 hours)

This module presents the basic principles, knowledge and skills for analytical methods used routinely in the analysis of biomolecules with examples of clinical application. The topics include spectrometry, separation and imaging/detection techniques as well as discussion on selected current approaches in the analysis of clinically important biomolecules.

Clinical Chemistry and Instrumentation (75 hours)

This module will cover topics on the physiological changes in the disease states and discuss the assessment of underlying biochemical disturbances in diseases based on altered analytes levels. These include the principles of analytical techniques and instrumentation that are routinely use to measure/analyse different analytes in body fluids as well as the importance of maintaining a quality management system particularly in a clinical chemistry laboratory for accurate results reporting beginning from the point of sample collection.

3. Modular Certificate in Medical Microbiology (180 hours)
This certificate aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to manage infectious specimens for diagnosis in a clinical microbiology laboratory.  Participants will learn about the bench microbiology and analytical methods.  They will also learn about the etiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of infections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.  Students will be equipped with practical laboratory and biosafety knowledge and skills to allow safe and accurate identification of the microbial agents of infection in compromised hosts.

Basic Microbiology (30 hours)

This module investigates the important fundamentals of microbiology and its relevance to the medical laboratory science.  It covers the types of microorganisms and their relationships to human diseases.

Microbiology Technology (45 hours)

This module covers the basic techniques used in microbiology laboratories.  It includes identifying types of microorganisms, cultivation and growth of microorganisms.  Students also need to preform various laboratory techniques and procedures for conducting microbiological work/test.

Clinical Microbiology (60 hours)

This subject covers the host-microbe interactions with emphasis on infectious diseases in humans. It includes various modes of transmission, diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

Biosafety (45 hours)

This subject covers the fundamental knowledge and applications of risk assessment and management of biological and other hazards, risks and threats. Biosafety and biosecurity principles and practices as well as interpretation of national and international biosafety standards, guidelines and legislations will also be covered. This subject will also cover administrative controls, incidents and accidents reporting, as well as implementation of measures to maintain a safe working environment.

4. Modular Certificate in Molecular Diagnostics (180 hours)
This certificate aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and technical skills that are used to detect biomarkers and biomolecules in clinical samples. Participants will learn fundamentals of cell biology, molecular biology and genetics. They will also learn the applications of various molecular biology techniques and molecular testing assays such as real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). On completion of this certificate, participants will be competent to work in molecular diagnostic laboratory.

Molecular Bioscience (60 hours)

This module introduces the fundamentals of cell biology, molecular biology and genetics. Topics covered include cellular organelles, membrane trafficking, cell cycle and division, chromosome structure, study of genes, eukaryotic gene expression, epigenetics as well as molecular events of replication, transcription and translation.

Molecular Techniques (60 hours)

This module is designed to equip students with knowledge and molecular techniques that are used to analyse samples. Students will learn about the isolation of nucleic acids and gel electrophoresis, applications of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) in molecular testing, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Clinical Applications of Molecular Testing (60 hours)

This module is an advanced module that focuses on applications of bioinformatics, molecular testing assays and techniques, which enable accurate and precise detection of biomarkers as well as infectious pathogens found in clinical samples.

5.Modular Certificate in Haematology and Immuno-haematology (180 hours)
This certificate aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to process blood samples in the haematology and immuno-haematology laboratories.  Participants will learn about the normal physiological processes, the general concepts underlying common conditions affecting the body system, contemporary diagnostic methods and the quality management systems recommended for effective operation of diagnostic laboratories.

Immunology (30 hours)

This module aims to provide students with an overview on the fundamental concepts of immunology and its importance in clinical setting especially in blood transfusion science. Pathophysiology of various immune-mediated diseases will also be emphasized in this module so that students can understand the mechanisms and processes behind various immune-mediated responses in the human body.

Blood Banking (60 hours)

This module provides students with the fundamentals of routine procedures performed in immuno-haematology laboratories.

Haematology (45 hours)

This module will equip students with the theoretical knowledge and technical skills to perform routine laboratory investigations in haematology. They will also learn to interpret results and relate findings to various types of haematological disorders such as anaemia, haematological malignancies and coagulopathies for diagnosis and treatment. The importance of quality assurance and quality control in the laboratory will be emphasised in this module.



Please click on the "Register" button to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).

‘O’ Levels

• At least 3 ‘O’ Level passes in the following subjects:

- English Language (EL1 or EL2) Grade 1 – 7

- Any Science subject Grade 1 – 6

- Any 1 relevant subject subject Grade 1 – 6

• and at least 1 year relevant work experience

Higher Nitec

• GPA ≥ 2.0


• GPA ≥ 1.5 AND at least 1 year relevant work experience


• GPA ≥ 3.5


• GPA ≥ 3.0 AND at least 1 year relevant work experience

Higher Nitec in Technology/Services

• GPA ≥ 2.0 AND at least 1 year relevant work experience

Nitec in Technology/Services

• GPA ≥ 3.5 AND at least 1 year relevant work experience

WSQ Qualification

• Relevant WSQ Advanced Certificate (or higher) AND at least 1 year relevant work experience AND Level 6 WSQ Workplace Literacy SOA and Workplace Numeracy SOA

Do not possess any of the above qualifications

• Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements may be considered for admission to the course based on evidence of at least 2 years of relevant working experience

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements may be considered for admission to the course based on supporting evidence of competency readiness. Suitable applicants who are shortlisted will have to go through an interview and/or entrance test. The Polytechnic reserves the right to shortlist and admit applicants.

Please click on the "Register" button to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).

Last updated on 10 Jan 2025

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