OCTOBER 2022 — Singapore’s tourism industry has been at the forefront of significant innovations and changes, especially as a result of the pandemic.

RP keeps abreast of these evolving trends, partnering the industry and preparing them for the ‘new normal’. 

Redefining Customer Experiences Through Digital Adoption

One of the pioneers of digitalising business processes on a global scale, the tourism sector undergoes frequent digital adoption. This trend was accelerated by the pandemic, shifting focus away from more traditional adoptions of digital technology for productivity gains. 

"There are great opportunities to deploy emerging technologies and digital solutions in the delivery of quality end-to-end customer experiences," shares Ms Loy Wei Kiin, Acting Programme Chair, Diploma in Tourism Management with Technology, School of Hospitality (SOH), RP.

Contactless experiences and ‘going digital’ were necessary transformations to mitigate the pandemic’s effects. Now, both have taken a foothold as ways to boost customer confidence, as well as enhance efficiency and profitability. In doing so, we have seen the rise of innovations such as voice-activated vending machines, mobile kiosks, digital concierges, driverless cars, smart home hubs and the increased use of mobile applications.

Ms Loy Wei Kiin

Ms Loy Wei Kiin, Acting Programme Chair, Diploma in Tourism Management with Technology, SOH, RP, provides insights on the future of tourism

Mr Marc Tipan

Mr Marc Tipan, Assistant Programme Chair, Diploma in Integrated Events Management, SOH, RP, comments on the importance of innovation

Leveraging Technology to Connect and Engage

Digital transformation has been accelerated, in part, by the innovative use of technology, which remains a key driver of change.

Mr Marc Tipan, Assistant Programme Chair, Diploma in Integrated Events Management, SOH, RP, explains how vital such transformations are: "Innovations are not just important but they are an essential part of any industry. Innovations in tourism, in particular, keep people engaged, interested and wanting for more."

This is especially relevant for Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs) and Professional Exhibition Organisers (PEOs), who leverage technology such as wayfinding solutions that allow attendees to optimise their time at an event. 

To enhance developments in this space, RP has collaborated with National Gallery Singapore, Drop Positioning Systems and Vouch to develop a wayfinding solution – an innovative chatbot, Wally the Wayfinder, which enables Gallery visitors to better navigate their surroundings through a more 'human' touch.

Increased Focus on Sustainability and Wellness

While it is important to remain innovative and adaptable, it is also important to consider the overall shift in customer demand. 

Tourists are increasingly favouring more eco-friendly destinations, making sustainability a key priority to focus on. "In line with the Singapore Green Plan 2030, and as the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) joins the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, there is a greater emphasis on positioning Singapore as a sustainable tourism destination," Ms Loy notes.

Another priority for STB is to make Singapore an urban wellness haven, as shared in the Singapore Tourism Industry Conference that was held in 2021 and 2022. 

This trend, combined with the focus on technology and digital applications, has led to a shift in the skillset required when embarking on a career in tourism.

Future-Proofing the Workforce

Our industry partners have shared that it is evident that the ability to integrate the physical and digital aspects of tourism will be a key attribute of budding tourism professionals. 

To better prepare the workforce to be strong contributors within their companies, there is an increasing need to equip staff with a broad-based education focusing on in-demand topics such as analytics, digital marketing, technology, innovation, and sustainability. 

Mr Tipan points out the need for a well-rounded education that complements this foundation, "Improving the human touch, our ability to think, or simply put, the resolve to improve our way of life, still trumps any and all technological advancements."

Relevant Courses for a Future-Ready Workforce

To support these new trends and demands, enhancements have been made to RP’s Pre-employment Training (PET) and Continuing Education and Training (CET) courses. 

These enhancements were shared at the Tourism Transformation 2022 Webinar, which discussed key trends and career opportunities as part of RP’s efforts to foster a resilient and adaptable workforce. The event was hosted by RP School of Hospitality’s Diploma in Integrated Events Management team, and was attended by at least 500 industry guests, polytechnics, and ITE students. Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Ms Low Yen Ling, delivered the opening address as Guest-of-Honour.

Tourism Transformation 2022 Webinar

Second Row, Third from Left: Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, attended the Tourism Transformation 2022 Webinar along with over 500 participants

In the PET space, a new Diploma in Tourism Management with Technology will be launched in Academic Year 2023. Besides introducing the technologies that are deployed in tourism, the diploma also offers two unique modules, Sustainable Tourism Development and Wellness Tourism, which are of particular relevance with Singapore’s position in the global tourism scene.

RP also offers CET courses on Digital Transformation, Customer Journey Mapping and Analytics, and a Career Conversion Programme for Immersive Digital Experience. In addition, RP has a strong presence in the wellness sphere, with opportunities to pursue professional certificates in areas such as wellness therapy.

As the tourism sector continues to recover, companies will be able to address the strong demand for a skilled workforce as their employees take up relevant mid-career upskilling and training programmes with RP.

hospitality and tourism

Stay Current in the Ever-Changing Tourism Landscape

RP’s CET courses provide opportunities for companies to maintain a talent pool that is well-equipped for the evolving tourism industry. 

Click on the links below to explore some of our courses:

Analytics for the Hospitality Industry
- Growing Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in F&B
- Introduction to Hotel Technology Innovation
- Managing Service Quality in Hotels

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