Essentials of Health Coaching

Are you having to deal with many changes in your teenage life – physically, socially and mentally? 

You are not alone! Find out how you can manage these changes and challenges by learning to be a Health Coach. As a Health Coach you will learn to be nutritionally savvy, create physical activity routines as part of your daily life, and maintain your personal mental wellness and other aspects of health. You can also share and promote these insights to help your peers and build a stronger and healthier peer group among friends. Be an advocate for healthier lifestyles!

These skills will set you up for work experiences in the health sector. This knowledge will also be useful to help you maintain good mental and physical health as you journey through your teenage life and towards adulthood.

ApLM Essentials of Health Coaching Image

I enjoyed learning about health coaching so that I can effectively help people.
Jayden Gan
Student, Clementi Town Secondary School


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