What are Applied Learning Module (ApLMs)?
Applied Learning Modules (ApLMs) were introduced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to enrich the secondary school curriculum with more applied learning options. Taught by polytechnic staff over a span of three days, ApLMs are modules or subjects in applied areas, such as entrepreneurship, news reporting and market research.
Students will be given the opportunity to apply the knowledge they learn during the programme to practical real-life scenarios, and discover their individual strengths and interests.
Why should I sign up my students for ApLMs?
Your students will get to:
- Experience polytechnic life in advance – our ApLMs are conducted in the same way as all our other regular diploma courses
- Acquire new skills and knowledge not taught in secondary schools
- Discover and explore their passions and interests beforehand, enabling them to make informed decisions about education and career plans after graduation
- Enhance their Holistic Development Profile which will give them an edge over their peers when applying for diploma courses under the Polytechnic Early Admissions Exercise (EAE) and Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE)
What are the ApLMs offered at SSH?