Work-Study Certificate leading to Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management)


About the Course

This Work-Study Certificate leading to Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management) will provide opportunities for fresh ITE graduates to deepen their skills and knowledge needed for a career in the environmental services related industries. Suitable candidates will be matched with a relevant job offered by a Work-Study Programme (WSP) partner company, in opportunities such as:
• Operations Executive
• Hazardous Waste Management Specialist
• Facilities Manager
• Product Specialist
• Cleaning Supervisor
• Environment, Health and Safety Specialist

The partner company will provide 12-month structured on-the-job training and mentorship, to better support participants' transition into the workforce. The participants will also be sponsored by their employers to undertake part-time upgrading through 3 Modular Certificates of the Part-Time Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management) or PTD ESM.

The PTD ESM provides the necessary knowledge and skills to manage the environmental operations through adoption of technology to improve productivity. The Work-Study Programme aims to provide a pathway for career development and further education through three (3) Modular Certificates (MCs). At the end of this programme, participants have the option to complete two (2) additional MCs for the award of the Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management).

Participants who complete the WSP will also receive $5,000 incentive.

Target Audience

Fresh ITE graduates who are working in, or keen in joining the environmental services related industries. 

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Part-Time Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management) preview

What is so unique about this programme?

The Work-Study Certificate leading to Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management) is supported by the National Environment Agency, Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’ Union, and Waste Management & Recycling Association of Singapore.

Under the Work-Study Certificate programme, you may enjoy additional benefits such as sign-on incentive with full-time employment, assigned company mentor, well-structured training, and career advancement opportunities.

Upon completion, you will have the option to complete two additional Modular Certificates for the award of a Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services & Management).

How often do I need to attend the course?

Lessons will be held on weekdays via online learning.  

Day of Lessons  Duration 
Weekdays 6:30pm – 10:00pm


What will I get out of this?

The programme helped me to gain employment with a leading home-grown cleaning service company. I’ve learned to operate new equipment and to develop people management skills during my course of work and study.
Mr Shah Razi
Part-Time Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management)

This Work-Study Certificate leading to Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management) will take 12 months to complete.
Additional 18 months (3 MCs) to be completed on personal time for the award of a Diploma.

Modular Certificates under Work-Study Certificate leading to Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management)

Certificate in Environmental Operations

Certificate in Environmental Hygiene

Additional Modular Certificates leading to the award of Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management)

Certificate in Resource Management

Certificate in Environmental Technology

Certificate in Health and Safety Management

Module Synopses

1. Certificate in Environmental Operations

A2209C Municipal Solid Waste Handling

This module provides students with the overview in the operations of handling, collection, storage and recycling of municipal solid waste. It covers the skills and knowledge needed to oversee the operations from the planning of collection route to logistics and manpower deployment. Concepts on route optimisation, upcycling, sustainability and waste characterization and segregation will be introduced.

A2219C Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal

Students will be introduced to the fundamental principles underlying different types of treatment and disposal techniques for municipal solid waste. The key issues in operation and maintenance of treatment facilities and the benefits of the value products from the treatment will be discussed. Students will learn to appreciate the importance of proper management and disposal of municipal solid waste will help to prevent communicable diseases and safeguard the environment in a sustainable manner.

A2229C Recycling and Resource Recovery

This module provides an overview of the different recycling and resource recovery methods used in solid waste management. Concepts such as circular economy, material and energy flow management and analysis and waste-to-energy will be discussed. Besides understanding the challenges and limitations of recycling and resource recovery, students will learn to contextualise and review the effectiveness of some existing methods through selected case studies.

A2239C Urban Ecology and Biodiversity

This module is an interdisciplinary field of study that helps students recognise the natural processes that take place on Earth and the environmental challenges faced by humanity. The module covers fundamentals such as soil, water cycle, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Topics on resource utilisation such as food, fisheries and aquaculture are discussed. The need for sustainable technologies and development through environmental impact assessment, environmental economics, legislations, and intergovernmental accords are also covered.

A3309C Environmental Operations Project / On-Job-Training

Students will embark on a project on waste management or cleaning services. Student will have an opportunity to work with companies or in-house projects to examine and improve existing processes or practices in the environmental services sector.


2. Certificate in Environmental Hygiene

A2279C Health and Hygiene

In this module, participants will learn about the principles and practices of hygiene in a focus for hygiene promotion. Participants will understand how hygiene education and promotion can be executed in order to help people change their behaviour to use better hygiene practices and prevent health risks.

A2289C Sanitation Standards and Practices

In this module, participants will learn about the principles, practices, and standards of sanitation in relation to the protection of public health. It covers the understanding of the science underlying the various cleaning techniques and its application on different surfaces and materials.

A3389C Integrated Pest Management

In this module, students will learn about the morphology and biology of five main pests and vectors found in Singapore namely mosquitoes, flies, rodents, cockroaches, and rat fleas. They will then examine existing regulations and approaches of controlling and managing these pests and vectors.

A3339C Sustainability Project / On-Job-Training

In this module, participants will be involved in a project on sustainability management; on how organisations manage financial, social, and environmental risks, ensuring that their business can continue to operate, regardless of obstacles such as resource shortages, environmental disasters, and social and political events.


3. Certificate in Resource Management 

A2249C Environmental Communication and Outreach

This module helps participants understand and apply the theories and principles of communication as well as cultural considerations to ensure that the messages are effectively conveyed. Participants will learn to develop outreach plans and strategies, and effectively communicate their ideas to raise public awareness in environmental conservation.

A2259C Environmental Statistical Methods

The module introduces participants to basic statistical analysis based on fundamental statistics concepts to describe characteristics of large datasets as well as graphical trends, regressions, and correlations between data variables.

A2269C Climate Change and the Environment

This module examines the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the natural environment and to consider how society and existing technologies might be employed to control the sources and responses to deal with the impacts.

A3329C Environmental Law and Policy

This module provides participants with knowledge and understanding of the main principles of environmental law and policies as well as values which underpin them. It covers environmental management system, auditing, risk assessment, and environmental policy and law such as Environment Protection and Management Act, and Energy Conservation Act as well as their subsidiary legislations.

B1719C Essentials of Human Resource Management

This module introduces participants to the relationship between human resource management and the organisation’s business strategy. Participants will gain an appreciation of how the various HR functions are interlinked for the smooth operation of the business.


4. Certificate in Environmental Technology 

A3409C Environmental Analytics

Students will learn about the importance of good data quality in data mining, and apply appropriate data cleansing and transformation techniques to organize and prepare data for analysis. Students will also learn to process the data using the business intelligence software, Tableau, and effectively use it to generate results on interactive graphics.

A2299C Conversion Technologies

In this module, student will learn about the main conversion technologies such as thermal, thermochemical, biochemical and chemical conversion. Each conversion technique can be applied to specific biomass waste streams and resulting in specific energy products. Students will learn to appreciate the biomass traits that play a critical role in the utilization of biomass for energy production globally, and add to their understanding of how plants tailor their composition with their environment.

A2309C Hazardous Waste Management

This module provides students with the knowledge on hazardous waste treatment and disposal. The topics covered include hazardous waste identification, basic properties of hazardous waste, classification of hazardous waste, hazardous waste generation and characteristics, hazardous waste storage and transport, hazardous waste treatment and disposal methods. Local regulations and international frameworks for hazardous wastes will be introduced in this module.

A3349C Environmental Assessment and Management System

This module provides an overview of managing and accessing the environment through the introduction of assessment tools and system. It examines various assessment required to quantify environmental standards such as life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, ecological valuation, and risk assessment. Various aspects of risk assessment, from fundamentals of risk assessment to environmental risk assessment such as chemical and ecological risk assessment, will be examined.

H2059C Project Management

This module will equip students with a clear understanding of the role played by a project manager and introduce the various components of managing a project. General management topics are covered and these include Human Resource Management, Quality Management, Communication Management and Change Management. This will ensure that students are well grounded to take on the role of a project manager.

H2069C Project Scheduling

Students will learn the different approaches to successfully map out and execute the essential components of a project management plan. Topics covered include several areas of specializations such as Work Breakdown Structure, project management software application such as Microsoft Excel, Time & Resource Management, Progress Management, Project Evaluation and Project Closure.


5. Certificate in Health and Safety Management

A3379C Environment, Health and Safety Management

The module covers the examination of the environmental, health and safety challenges in the workplace. It introduces the different hazards, as well as their classifications, communications and the standards set by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The hazards associated with different gases, solids and liquids, as well as hazards from fire, explosion, radiation, ergonomic, electrical, and biological origins will be examined. The appropriate emergency responses and proper use of personal protection equipment will then be discussed. Finally, conducting risk assessment and communicating risks to persons involved in the workplace are discussed.

A3359C Environment, Health and Safety Audit and Applications

This module equips students with the knowledge and skills to lead an organization in developing a Workplace Safety and Health Management System implementation plan to meet the local safety requirements. It entails reviewing the organisation’s current Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) policy, risk management plan, objectives and programmes. It also includes establishing frameworks for WSH management programmes and emergency preparedness and response plans in accordance with organisational safety and health needs and legal requirements.

A2319C Business Continuity Management

This module equips students with an overview to the requirements of ISO 22301:2012 BCM. Incidents can disrupt an organization at any time and applying ISO 22301 will ensure that organizations can respond and continue its operations.  Incidents take many forms ranging from large scale natural disasters and acts of terror to technology-related accidents and environmental incidents.  However, most incidents are small but can have a significant impact and that makes business continuity management relevant at all times.  This has led to a global awareness that organizations in the public and private sectors must know how to prepare for and respond to unexpected and disruptive incidents.

A3369C Capstone Environmental Services project

Student will gain knowledge and skills through facilitated case studies and capstone project which helps to enhance occupational and personal competencies at workplace.

Please click here to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).

WSP Eligibility

Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are: 
- within three years of graduation from ITE or the Operational Ready Date (ORD) for full-time National Servicemen, or
- within five years of graduation from ITE, and if their employer is a participating company.

Course Entry Requirement

Applicants should possess a relevant NITEC (min. GPA: 2.0) or Higher NITEC Certificates from the feeder programme as listed here

Please click here to view the updated course schedule and fees on the Skills Training & Enhancement Portal (STEP).

Last updated on 10 Jun 2024

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