The team worked closely with cross-industry partners StarHub, and the robotic vendor, Savioke, from the USA to introduce their first Relay Robot outside of the USA to Singapore’s hotel industry. Arising from a demo in our Hotel Experiential Lab, and having been impressed by the productivity results of the pilot project in M Social Singapore, the Millennium & Copthorne group is now planning the deployment of Savioke’s Relay AGR solution across all of their Singapore hotels. The M Social Singapore team now protectively counts their robot as member of their service team, and gives her a name AURA, short for AUtomated Room-service Associate.
Another project SOH has proudly completed was a study on Housekeeping Productivity was conducted at Orchard Hotel Singapore.
The team reviewed the work processes for Orchard Hotel’s Housekeeping Department by job responsibilities of Room Attendant, Floor Supervisor and Assistant Housekeeper. Within 3 months, the team recommended refinements to the existing business rules set up, and helped to implement more effective and efficient use of resources and technology. To ensure sustainability, quality assurance and problem-solving training was provided to the housekeeping team including carrying out 2 process- improvement projects.
Apart from this, the One-RP approach is also evident as the school works with other schools and centres in joint-school industry projects. These schools offer a myriad of expertise, ranging from wireless and mobile technology to waste management science and technology, ergonomics science to nutritional science and consumer behaviour research to social media research and tracking.
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