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RP SOH signed MOU with M1

09 Apr 2024

  • Director of RP SOH, Mr Fu Chuan Chong and M1 Director of HR, Mrs Chan Sock Leng

M1 and RP School of Hospitality (SOH) formalised their partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 9 April 2024. The agreement included various collaborative initiatives, such as organising learning journeys and industry visits for RP staff and students, as well as inviting M1’s Operations Manager to deliver guest lectures in relevant modules.

Additionally, the MOU focused on joint projects, staff attachment programmes, Continuing Education Training (CET), and enhancing our curriculum through research and industry partnerships. It also outlined opportunities for RP’s graduating cohort and book prize sponsorships. Overall, the MOU aimed to foster collaboration to enhance learning experiences and opportunities for RP students and staff.