Awareness on Injury Prevention and Management 

As secondary school students, you would most likely be required to take part in various sports either for leisure or as a part of CCA. It is likely that you would have encountered injuries during sports, and sometimes even experiencing them re-occurring.

Hence, this Applied Learning Module (ApLM) will equip you with basic knowledge and skills on injury prevention and management, which will help you to be more aware of: 
(i) the risk factors associated with common sports injuries; 
(ii) how to prevent these injuries; and 
(iii) basic injury management skills to manage these injuries (e.g. cryotherapy, heat therapy, taping/bandaging, sports massage and rehab exercises).


This ApLM would be of interest to students who would like to explore areas like biology, healthcare, physiotherapy or sports science.

To register, please visit MOE’s portal. Feel free to contact us for assistance or enquiries.