Diploma in Consumer Insights & Psychology (R48)

School of Management and Communication, Diploma in Consumer Behaviour & Research (R48)

What You Will Learn

Renamed from Diploma in Consumer Behaviour & Research.

The Diploma in Consumer Insights and Psychology (DCIP) is a business programme that aims to provide students with relevant competencies in marketing, consumer insights and consumer psychology.

The curriculum equips students with in-demand and high-transferable skills, including consumer insights, data analysis, visualisation, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. These skills allow them to gather, analyse, and interpret data, providing valuable insights that inform marketing strategies and decision-making.

Upon completion of DCIP, graduates can pursue a career across diverse industries and job roles such as marketing executives, research assistants, market research analysts, digital marketing specialists, data analysis and visualisation specialists. In addition, some students may choose to further their education with a Specialist Diploma in Marketing Analytics and Insights or a Bachelor’s degree in Business or related fields to advance their career opportunities.

General Modules

Discipline Modules

Elective Modules

For this diploma programme, students will select one of the following options:

Option A: Select Elective modules totalling 12 MCs from the List of Electives below and/or from the list of modules in applicable Minor Programmes

Option B: Select a Minor Programme

Option C: Select a CET-based Certificate programme and/or Elective module(s) from the List of Electives below or from the list of modules in applicable Minor programmes (only for eligible students)

List of Electives:

Learn how you can customise your learning pathways here

Industry Orientation Programme Modules

Select one module from the list below:

* Some module codes and synopses are pending confirmation and may be subject to change.

GCE O-level

Aggregate Type Range of Net ELR2B2 for 2024 JAE Minimum Entry Requirements/Grade
ELR2B2-B 14 to 17
  • English Language: C6
  • Mathematics (Elementary/Additional): C6
  • Any one of the 2nd group of Relevant Subjects for the ELR2B2-B Aggregate Type: C6

Click here to view the aggregate computation for ELR2B2-B Aggregate Type.

Nitec/Higher Nitec

Minimum net GPA Relevant Qualifications
Nitec ≥ 3.5
  • NT18 Business Administration
  • NT44 Digital Media Design/ Digital Media Design (Interactive Media)
  • NT46 Product Design
  • NT52 Digital Animation
  • NT54 Digital Media Design (Digital Video Effects)
  • NT56 Digital Audio & Video Production
  • NT66 Space Design (Interior & Exhibition) / Interior & Exhibition Desgn
  • NT69 Community Care & Social Services
  • NT70 Interactive Media Design
  • NT71 Visual Communication
  • NT72 Visual Effects
  • NT80 Social Media & Web Development
  • NT84 Business Services
  • NT85 Finance Services
  • NT86 Retail Services
  • NT87 Travel & Tourism Services
Higher Nitec ≥ 2.0
  • BS23 Retail & Online Business
  • BS24 Financial Services
  • BS81 Early Childhood Education
  • BS82 Banking Services
  • BS83 Hospitality Operations
  • BS84 Business Studies (Event Management)
  • BS85 Business Studies (Accounting)/Accounting
  • BS86 Business Studies (Administration/ Secretarial)
  • BS87 Business Studies (Logistics)/Integrated Logistics Management/Logistics for International Trade/International Logistics
  • BS88 Business Studies (E-Commerce)/Business-Information Technology
  • BS89 Business Studies (Sport Management)/Sport Management
  • BS90 Business Studies (Service Management)/Service Management
  • BS91 Beauty & SPA Management / Beauty & Wellness Management
  • BS92 Visual Merchandising
  • BS93 Community Sport & Recreation Management
  • BS94 Retail Merchandising
  • BS95 Passenger Services
  • BS98 Event Management
  • BS99 Human Resource & Administration
  • IT63 Games Design & Development
  • IT64 Business Information Systems
  • IT65 Leisure & Travel Operations
  • IT76 e-Business Programming
  • IT77 Facility Management
  • IT78 Shipping & Operations Services / Maritime Business

GCE A-Level

Minimum Entry Requirements


For more details on admission using Singapore Cambridge GCE A-levels qualifications, please refer to our webpage at www.rp.edu.sg.


Admission to RP is based on academic merit and subjected to available vacancies of our diploma programmes. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be offered a placement in the diploma programme. These requirements are set in place to ensure fairness to all applicants.

Career Opportunities

As a DCIP graduate, you can enter the exciting fields of marketing, advertising, branding, and other consumer-centric functions and take on roles such as:

  • Advertising and Promotions Executive

  • Brand Executive

  • Business Development Executive 

  • Consumer Insights Executive 

  • Digital Marketing Executive

  • Marketing Executive

  • Social Media Executive

Further Studies

Discover exciting opportunities for further studies!

DCIP graduates can choose to pursue business and social sciences programmes at local or overseas universities and may be eligible for exemptions at a number of institutions.


  • Bachelor of Business Management / Administration
  • Bachelor of Commerce / Business (International Business)
  • Bachelor of Commerce / Business (Management)
  • Bachelor of Commerce / Business (Marketing)
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Social Sciences

  • Bachelor of Arts & Social Sciences

Last updated on 22 Jul 2024