Diploma in Digital Content Creation (R19)


What You Will Learn

Renamed from Diploma in Media Production & Design

The Diploma in Digital Content Creation (DDCC) will equip students with content creation skills for digital and social media platforms, with a specific focus on storytelling and digital marketing.

DDCC graduates will be proficient in producing the full spectrum of content creation, processes, and formats. They will be equipped with the ability to apply the art of storytelling and technical proficiency in various media tools. Whether they are crafting compelling narratives, producing engaging videos, or managing social media platforms, the diploma will enable students to achieve a well-rounded understanding of the digital content creation process.

My course brought me on a riveting journey! I was nurtured as a creative individual – I was given a stage to showcase my potential and was taught industry-relevant skills by an exceptional faculty. It greatly motivated me to take advantage of numerous learning opportunities both on and off campus, and even after graduation.

Nadia Malik
Diploma in Media Production & Design (now known as Diploma in Digital Content Creation) 2018 Graduate

General Modules

Discipline Modules

Elective Modules

For this diploma programme, students will select ONE Elective module from the list below:

List of Electives

AND for students who is taking the One-Semester Industry Immersion Programme, you will need to select ONE of the following options:

Option A: Select Elective modules totalling 12 MCs from the list of modules in applicable Minor Programmes

Option B: Select a Minor Programme

Option C: Select a CET-based Certificate programme and/or Elective module(s) from the list of modules in applicable Minor Programmes (only for eligible students)

Learn how you can customise your learning pathways here

Industry Orientation Programme Modules

Option 1: One-Semester Industry Immersion Programme

Select one module from the list below:

Option 2: Two-Semester Industry Immersion Programme

* Some module codes and synopses are pending confirmation and may be subject to change.

GCE O-level

Aggregate Type Range of Net ELR2B2 for 2024 JAE  Minimum Entry Requirements/Grade
ELR2B2-A 12 to 19
  • English Language: C6
  • Mathematics (Elementary/Additional): D7
  • Any one of the 1st group of Relevant Subjects for the ELR2B2-A Aggregate Type: C6

Click here to view the aggregate computation for ELR2B2-A Aggregate Type.

Nitec/Higher Nitec

Minimum net GPA Relevant Qualifications
Nitec ≥ 3.5
  • NT16 Video Production
  • NT21 Architectural Drafting/ Building Drafting (Architectural)
  • NT40 Info-Communications Technology (Networking & System Administration) / Infocomm Technology
  • NT41 Multimedia Technology
  • NT44 Digital Media Design/ Digital Media Design (Interactive Media)
  • NT46 Product Design
  • NT47 Communications Technology
  • NT52 Digital Animation
  • NT54 Digital Media Design (Digital Video Effects)
  • NT56 Digital Audio & Video Production
  • NT60 Electrical Technology (Lighting & Sound)
  • NT65 Space Design (Architecture)
  • NT66 Space Design (Interior & Exhibition) / Interior & Exhibition Desgn
  • NT70 Interactive Media Design
  • NT71 Visual Communication
  • NT72 Visual Effects
  • NT74 Mobile Systems & Services / Info-communications Technology (Mobile Networks & Applications)
  • NT79 Info-Communications Technology (Cloud Computing)
  • NT80 Social Media & Web Development
  • NT81 Attraction Operations
  • NT99 Web Applications
Higher Nitec ≥ 2.0
  • BS23 Retail & Online Business
  • BS24 Financial Services
  • BS81 Early Childhood Education
  • BS82 Banking Services
  • BS83 Hospitality Operations
  • BS84 Business Studies (Event Management)
  • BS85 Business Studies (Accounting)/Accounting
  • BS86 Business Studies (Administration/ Secretarial)
  • BS87 Business Studies (Logistics)/Integrated Logistics Management/Logistics for International Trade/International Logistics
  • BS88 Business Studies (E-Commerce)/Business-Information Technology
  • BS89 Business Studies (Sport Management)/Sport Management
  • BS90 Business Studies (Service Management)/Service Management
  • BS91 Beauty & SPA Management / Beauty & Wellness Management
  • BS92 Visual Merchandising
  • BS93 Community Sport & Recreation Management
  • BS94 Retail Merchandising
  • BS95 Passenger Services
  • BS96 Performance Production
  • BS97 Filmmarking (Cinematography)
  • BS98 Event Management
  • IT21 Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • IT22 Mechatronics Engineering
  • IT31 Electrical Engineering
  • IT41 Electronics Engineering/Industrial Electronics Engineering
  • IT51 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Design/Mechanical & Electrical Drafting & Design
  • IT52 Mechanical Engineering
  • IT54 Mechanical Engineering Drawing & Design
  • IT55 Manufacturing Engineering
  • IT56 Information Technology
  • IT57 Wireless Technology
  • IT61 Network Security Technology / Cyber & Network Security
  • IT63 Games Design & Development
  • IT64 Business Information Systems
  • IT65 Leisure & Travel Operations
  • IT66 Security System Integration
  • IT67 Civil & Structural Engineering Design
  • IT68 Facility Systems Design
  • IT69 Information Systems Quality
  • IT70 Mobile Unified Communications
  • IT72 Process Plant Design
  • IT74 Aerospace Engineering
  • IT75 Advanced Manufacturing / Engineering with Business
  • IT81 Broadcast & Media Technology
  • IT82 Games Art & Design
  • IT84 Interactive Design
  • IT88 IT Applications Development
  • IT91 Robotics & Smart Systems
  • IT92 Motion Graphics
  • IT93 Visual Effects
  • IT94 Integrated Mechanical & Electrical Design

GCE A-Level

Minimum Entry Requirements


For more details on admission using Singapore Cambridge GCE A-levels qualifications, please refer to our webpage at www.rp.edu.sg.


  • Admission to RP is based on academic merit and subjected to available vacancies of our diploma programmes. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be offered a placement in the diploma programme. These requirements are set in place to ensure fairness to all applicants.
  • Applicants with colour appreciation deficiency, profound hearing loss, uncontrolled epilepsy and/or physical impairments may encounter difficulties meeting the course requirements and expectations. 

Career Opportunities

You can look forward to a variety of professions in media companies, advertising agencies and media divisions of government organisations.

Career options include:

  • Assistant Producer

  • Content Creator

  • Graphic Designer

  • Immersive Media Producer 

  • Social Media Executive

  • Video Editor

  • Videographer

  • Web Designer

Further Studies

Graduates can choose to pursue an arts-related degree programme at top universities.

Degree programmes include:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Communication
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • Bachelor of Graphic Design
  • Bachelor of Media Arts & Production

Last updated on 11 Jun 2024