Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science (R22)

School of Applied Science, Full-time Courses 2019, Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science-(R22)

What You Will Learn

Play a pivotal role in driving advances in modern medicine.

The Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science (DPHM) offers you detailed insights into how new drugs and therapies significantly impact medical treatments today. Learn about drug discovery, drug development, clinical pharmacy, and supply of pharmaceuticals, along with best practices and societal considerations of the pharmaceutical industry.

Acquire rigorous hands-on training in authentic pharmacy operations at the cutting-edge RP Teaching Dispensary and the RP-Unity Teaching Retail Pharmacy. The RP-BASF Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory will further upskill you in formulation and compounding of medications. You can choose to major in either Patient Care Practice or Pharmaceutical Industry Practice. You will also undergo training in accordance with the Ministry of Health Pharmacy Technicians Entry-to-Practice Competency Standards and be issued the Letter of Competency Attainment if you complete your internship at participating training sites. 

With the valuable experience gained through your internships at healthcare institutions and other established pharmaceutical companies, your career is off to a good head start.

"RP’s approach to learning focuses on problem-solving and teamwork and this has allowed me to acquire valuable knowledge and build soft skills. We were given real-world problems to work on and this has helped to hone my critical thinking skills while working in randomly allocated teams has moulded me into a confident individual and a team player at the same time!"

Elisa graduated from RP in 2019 with a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science (DPHM) with Merit, and she was also a proud recipient of the BASF Gold Medal award. She was the President of Pharmaceutical Interest Group and the Executive Committee Member of Service-Learning Club in RP. Elisa did her internship with the National Cancer Centre Singapore and has gained valuable skillsets and experience during her time there. After graduating from DPHM, she worked for two years as a Pharmacy Technician at Singapore General Hospital. Elisa has also obtained a scholarship with National University of Singapore under the Department of Pharmacy and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Pharmacy.

Elisa Tan
Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science, 2019 Graduate

General Modules

Discipline Modules

Major Modules

Choose one out of two Majors listed below:

Major in Patient Care Practice

Major in Pharmaceutical Industry Practice

Elective Modules

For this diploma programme, students will select one of the following options:

Option A: Select Elective modules totalling 12 Modular Credits (MCs) from the list of modules in applicable Minor programmes and/or from the List of Electives below

Option B: Select a Minor Programme

Option C: Select a CET-based Certificate programme and/or Elective module(s) from the list of modules in applicable Minor programmes or from the List of Electives below (only for eligible students)

List of Electives for Major in Patient Care Practice:

List of Electives for Major in Pharmaceutical Industry Practice:

Learn how you can customise your learning pathways here

Industry Orientation Programme

Option 1: One-Semester Industry Immersion Programme

Select one module from the list below:

Option 2: Two-Semester Industry Immersion Programme

* Some module codes and synopses are pending confirmation and may be subject to change.

GCE O-level

Aggregate Type Range of Net ELR2B2 for 2024 JAE Minimum Entry Requirements/Grade
ELR2B2-C 11 to 18
  • English Language: D7
  • Mathematics (Elementary/Additional): C6
  • Any one of the following subjects: C6
    - Biology
    - Biotechnology
    - Chemistry
    - Food & Nutrition / Nutrition & Food Science
    - Physics
    - Science (Chemistry, Biology)
    - Science (Physics, Biology)
    - Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Nitec/Higher Nitec

Minimum net GPA  Relevant Qualifications
Nitec ≥ 3.5
  • NT39 Chemical Process Technology/ Chemical Process Technology (Biologics)/ Chemical Process Technology (Petrochemicals)/ Chemical Process Technology (Pharmaceuticals)/ Chemical Process Technology (Process Instrumentation)
  • NT45 Nursing
  • NT58 Applied Food Science
  • NT64 Medical Manufacturing Technology
  • NT69 Community Care & Social Services
  • NT77 Opticianry
Higher Nitec ≥ 2.0
  • IT58 Biotechnology/Biochemical Technology
  • IT59 Chemical Technology
  • IT62 Paramedics & Emergency Care
  • IT79 Elder Care

GCE A-Level

Minimum Entry Requirements


For more details on admission using Singapore Cambridge GCE A-levels qualifications, please refer to our webpage at www.rp.edu.sg.


Admission to RP is based on academic merit and subjected to available vacancies of our diploma programmes. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be offered a placement in the diploma programme. These requirements are set in place to ensure fairness to all applicants.

Career Opportunities

As a DPHM graduate, you can pursue a fulfilling career in healthcare institutions, research laboratories and companies that develop and distribute pharmaceuticals. Look forward to roles such as:

  • Assistant Biotechnologist
  • Assistant Formulation Scientist
  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Healthcare Product Specialist
  • Laboratory Technologist
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Executive
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Pharmacy Retail Executive
  • Pharmaceutical Research Technologist
  • Procurement Executive (Healthcare)
  • Quality Assurance Assistant/Executive
  • Quality Control Analyst
  • Regulatory Affairs Executive

Further Studies

RP graduates are well-placed to embark on meaningful careers, immediately after graduation. They could even improve their employability by taking part-time courses or SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes (WSPs).

What’s more, every RP diploma is recognised and has a pathway leading to a relevant degree with top local and overseas universities. RP graduates may complete their degrees in just over two or three years in a four-year programme.

Skills Deepening

Upon graduation, DPHM students can choose to deepen their skills and knowledge in a chosen field before embarking on their career. They could either sign up for part-time courses or pursue WSPs. Please visit our lifelong learning page to find out more.

Undergraduate Studies

DPHM graduates can pursue degree programmes in a wide range of areas such as pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, medicine, dentistry, nursing, life sciences, biological sciences, and physiotherapy in local universities such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Institute of Technology.

Top universities overseas also welcome our graduates with advanced standing of up to 1.5 years. They include:

  • Deakin University (Australia) 
  • Griffith University (Australia)
  • Monash University (Australia)
  • The University of Queensland (Australia)
  • University of Otago (New Zealand)
  • University of South Australia (Australia)

Last updated on 22 Jul 2024