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Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Smart Nation Award 2021

24 Aug 2021

  • Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media Smart Nation Award 2021
    Team members (top left to bottom right) Ma Chenxin, Zhang Zishuo, Mohammed Razi Karappamveetil Rasheed, Krishnadas Manoj

The "Smart AI Detector” project submitted by an SEG team, won 2021's Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Smart Nation Award. The winning team was made up of Diploma Electrical & Electronic Engineering (DEEE) and Electronics IG students Mohammed Razi Karappamveetil Rasheed, Krishnadas Manoj, Ma Chenxin and Zhang Zishuo, and was supervised by DEEE Senior Lecturer Dr Jiang Lijun and fellow trainer Mr Syed Hesham.

The award recognises IDM projects that fulfill the Smart Nation vision of harnessing technology to improve the lives of citizens, create more opportunities and build stronger communities in four focus areas namely Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Health and Wellness and Digital Services.

The team impressed the judges as they developed a Smart AI Detection system that combines commonly required functions such as face recognition, mask detection, thermal scanning, safety headgear detection and cigarette detection. The system is able to capture commonly available inputs like images, videos, live streaming, with outputs displayed with indicative boxes around the objects being detected. The solution can be used to enhance and complement the monitoring and usage of current CCTV systems.

Congratulations to the team!